Sunday, July 26, 2015

Black Cats : Symbol of Good Luck or Bad Luck ?

I love cats especially black cats. Even though I scared to hold them but I think they are adorable just like the other cats, until i come across this superstition which is believed by many people world wide; in which the black cats brings bad luck to someone, if one crosses their way. I do not know if this is true, whether it really brings bad luck to someone. Lets just relate this superstition to some other basic facts and stories.

The ancient Egyptians worshiped many animals during their reign. The Egyptians believe that the cats are the most magical creature compared to other animals. They believe that cats bring good luck to the people who own them and treat them nicely. To honor the pet cat, wealthy Egyptian family dresses them in jewels and feed them with luxurious food. When their pet cat dies, the cat will be mummified. As a sign of mourning, the cat owners will shave off their eyebrows and mourn until their eyebrows grow back. Cats were so special until those who kill or harm them even by accident will be sentenced to death. Why do the cats get special treatments? Well, according to the Egyptians mythology, gods and goddesses had the power to transform themselves into a different animals. There is one deity named Bastet, had the power to transform into a cat.Somehow, based on Egyptian belief cats has been giving them good luck and cats were one of their blessed deity.

Black cats are also related to the witchcraft. Historically the western cultures viewed black cats as evil omen as they are related to the witches. The people in western viewed the black cat as demonic entity and anyone caught having one will be severely punished. If the owner of the black cat is a female, she will be assumed as witch and put to death. Once a devastating plague epidemic called as Black Death began to ravage Europe in 14th century, it terrified many innocent people and they believed that this disease was caused by the wrath of God. Thus, they sought to solve this plague by burning women who own black cats and accused of witchcraft. This made the situation worse as it rose the rat population. The epidemic killed more than 200 million people. 

Another story relates to the good luck of a black cat. King Charles 1 whom believed that black cats are lucky for him and guarded his cat carefully stopping anything bad happening to it. When the cat died, he realized that his good luck ended. Based on a legend, the next day, he was arrested and charged with high treason leading to public execution and temporary abolition of the monarchy. Even pirates had black cats in 18 century and they have their own belief on black cats' luck. They believed black cats walking towards an individual would bring bad luck and when the cat walk away it would bring good luck for them. If the black cat walk on to a ship and off down again means the ship will doomed to sink. It is quite freaky to read the fact that a black cat could doom a ship to sink, did Titanic faced that too? 

Black cats are also associated with bloody Halloween, as they are sacrificed by group of satanic members. They engage in mutilation, torture and brutal killing of black cats. Depending on trusted sources found online, the alleged practice of sacrificing the black cats began with the 'Druid priests' and 'Pagans'. More than 2000 years ago, the Druid priests' nurtured the belief that evil spirits were responsible for bringing bad weathers. To placate the spirits, the priests organized a festival honoring the lord of dead, Samhain. The priests ordered the people to extinguish the fires and gather around the bonfire. The fire is intended to frighten away the evil spirits. To discourage mysterious entities from acts of retribution, sacrifices were thrown into the bonfire. Sacrifices mostly are domestic animals, popular sacrifices are the horses as they are believed to be sacred to the Sun God. Black cats are also favorite sacrifice because they were assumed to be evil spirits which transformed themselves into animals.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Reincarnation: There is Life after Death

The process of reincarnation 
The concept of reincarnation has been giving an attractive meaning to life after death of human. Maybe you might have a thought of how many lives before this one and most probably there are more to come. In another hand, reincarnation is source of great comfort and especially for those who seek liberation in them. Major reason for people accepting reincarnation is that it explains the differences that exist among them. Some are healthy whereby other lose life being handicaps. Some are rich, other is poor in starvation. Reincarnation always been the perfect way to punish and reward one's deed for GOD.

Past-life recall proof for reincarnation

Past-life recall actually an ability of certain individual to recall facts or incidents that alleged in their previous lives. This phenomenon occurs in two way, One it happens when an individual is under hypnosis, a process of past-life regression; another way is by vivid-like dreams where they spontaneously remember their previous life identity.

Hypnotic regression 

Hypnosis is a method of inducing an altered state of consciousness, which causes an individual to be more receptive to the hypnotist's suggestions. This method is used in psychoanalysis for treating psychic diseases by evoking the painful memories which took place in past normally during their childhood. Recently, this method has been used as therapy for releasing patient's fears and explaining certain personality tendencies result from past-life experiences. The hypnotist simply asks to go back in time beyond the date of their birth and describe the situation of their vision, some patients tend to tell quite an impressive stories which some matches those past and distant culture of human history. During the session, the patient tend to adopt a different personality, with changed voice, behavior and facial expression.

Karma and Reincarnation in Hinduism

Hinduism introduced the laws of karma and reincarnation as central of belief. Karma is the law of action and reaction which governs a life or an individual throughout his days on earth. It is believed the soul carries its memories together during his lifetime on earth no matter its good or bad. Karma simply means "deed or act" which describes the consequences of the action. Karma is not fate which is written by God on an individual but it is the power to act with free will. For example, when you accidentally pour hot water on your hands, you feel the pain. Action is when you pour the hot water on your hand and the consequence is you feel the pain and injured. Some of the action taken in this life, may not return the consequence directly. But, it will affect you in your next life. Assuming you cause pain to others, previous action you did will return to you and you will feel the same pain. No matter the pain inflicted was emotional, mental or physical, it will still get to you the same way. If you noticed in real-life situation, even good people suffer; they might be paying for some bad action that have done in the past life. Karma is movement in the mind. When the mind remains motionless, there is no karma lives behind. Every action has its consequences. If you plant apple tree, you get apple. If you do good, you get good deeds back. If do bad, you will reap evil.

Cycle of Samsara
The concept of reincarnation is the belief that life does not end at the death of the physical body. 
The body is impermanence but the soul is permanent. Our soul lives in a counterpart of our physical body which is known the astral body. The astral body is made of astral matter and resides in a world called the Devaloka or the Holy Second World. The soul lives on in another body after death, the astral body. Upon reaching the right time, according to its karma, it will reborn into a flesh body. Thus, the soul gets a new physical body. This same cycle is repeated many times until the soul spiritually unfolds and reaches a certain state of perfection or mature evolution. These repeated cycles of births and deaths are known as samsara. Each time the soul passes from one body to another the soul is reincarnated. Therefore, for a Hindu death is not fearsome. The process of reincarnation works just like the caterpillar's metamorphosis into the delicate butterfly. Death does not end our existence and our soul never dies. It is immortal. When we die, the soul leaves the Bhuloka or First World with the physical body, it lives for a while in the Devaloka, the Holy Second World before returning back with new body. There are many-facets of concept of reincarnation. Mostly this concept is used to eliminate the inborn fear of death. For example, for individual who committed suicide it is believed that they will have immediate lesser births and require several lives for the soul to return to the exact evolutionary point that existed at the moment of suicide. The soul must face the still-existing karmic entanglement and resolve it. Thus, the chance to rebirth is slow according to the wheel of samsara. 

The Process of Death

Unwanted fear to face the death as the processes of death and birth is already written for human by God himself. Once there was a sage asking Vyasa, "Who is the companion of a dying man, his father, mother, son or his friends or loved ones? When he leaves his body and goes into the world beyond, who will follow him?". Vyasa replied, "Alone he is born and alone he dies; alone he crosses the dangerous thresholds. When he leaves his body, he weeps for a moment and then he turns his face away and departs to the another world. When he leaves the body, the good 'Dharma' follows him; if he has dharma then he goes to heaven, but if he has a bad 'Adharma' then he goes to hell. As his relatives turn away and depart after burning the body, the karma he has done during his lifetime in earth will follow the soul. If dharma is one's karma then the subtle body 'jive' goes to heaven and become soul 'atman'. If his karma is adharma, then he goes to hell. Assuming if the man has mixed karma dharma and adharma, one has to experience heaven and then in hell. If evil side predominates, most probably the man has to go to hell first then to the heaven and then from hell to an animal's womb. If good predominates, he goes to heaven first then to the hell and then from heaven he will reborn as a human."

The Process of Birth

The process of birth is determined through one's karmic act. After the individual suffered through all the hell and the sinner, the soul is born as man when a woman gets impregnated by a man. Impregnation of a woman takes place from the seed of a man where at the time of falling of the seed a portion of the soul start to grow in the womb, by means of blood. In the womb, the soul remembers all its past lives and his karma, both good and bad, the joys and sorrows of his previous life but during birth the newborn will forget the former lives because of the force of maya.  The roles of the parents in the process of rebirth is important. As stated in Puranas, the child's birth is affected by the karma of the father and the mother; the embryo's physical looks is contributed by the parents. The mother gives hair, nails, skin, flesh and the father gives bones, sinew and bone marrow. The mechanism of karmic transfer is not explained in the Puranas, the transfer of karma in the opposite direction (from child to parent) takes place during life and after the death of the parent. Normally, evil karma is transferred from parent to child directly in present life. Good karma often transferred backwards into the past and into the future, through the devotion of the good child to the evil parent.

Concept of Heaven and Hell in Hinduism

According to the Hindu Puranas, there are fourteen worlds in the universe - the seven upper and the seven lower. The seven upper worlds are Bhuh, Bhavah, Swah, Mahah, Janah. Tapah, and Satyam; and the seven lower worlds are Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Rasatala, Talatala, Mahatala, and Patala. The region known as Bhuh is the earth where we live now while Swah is the celestial world to which people repair after death to enjoy the reward of their righteous actions on earth. Bhuvah is the region between the two. Janah, Tapah and Satyam constitute Brahmaloka or the highest heaven where fortunate souls repair after death and enjoy spiritual reunion with the God. From the viewpoint of Hinduism, heaven and hell are two different worlds which is bound by time, space and causality. According to Hinduism, desires are responsible for a person's embodiment. Some of these desires can best be fulfilled in a human body and some in an animal or a celestial body. Accordingly, a soul assumes a body determined by its unfulfilled desires and the results of its past actions. An animal or a celestial body is for reaping the results of past karma not for performing actions to acquire a new body. Performance of karma to effect any change of life is possible only in a human body because only human beings do good or evil consciously. Human birth is a great privilege, for in a human body alone can one attain the supreme goal of life. 

Court of Yama
Hindu scriptures describes heaven as 'Svargam' and hell as 'naragam'. The heaven is inhabited by the devas, sages and many great noble souls whom performed good deeds during their days in earth. It is believed that it is world which is full of unlimited pleasure without pain or death. Without the discomforts of earthly existance like aging, worry, hunger, disease and death, the soul will lead pleasant lives surrounded by music, celestial dancers, magical scenery and chanting of divine words and incredible joy. The ruler of heaven is Indra with Rati his wife using lightning as his weapon. As far as known from puranas, the seat of Indra in heaven is not permanent, thus, he is always concerned about protecting his throne from contenders and the demons of the other worlds. Whereas, the hell is a dark world, filled with evil doers and their cries of pain and agony, undergoing different kinds of torture and punishments for their bad deeds in their previous life. The hell is ruled by the god of highest virtue, Yama who is endowed with self-discipline and unmatched judging power. He is aided by his court minister Chitragupta who keeps in account of all the deeds done by people in earth. He administers justices and gives punishments to the souls (narans)  arriving at the doors of hell.

Rituals after Death based on Garuda Purana

Garuda Purana 11;

 A man dies of natural causes, death depends on one's karma. When a man is dead, his body should be kept on the ground after the purification rituals. Salagrama (sacred stone) should be placed near the body. Tulasi leaves (basil leaves) should be placed in both hands and neck of the body. Then, the body should be covered with two sheets of clothing. The body must be carried through the back door. The descendant of the man and his relatives will carry the body on their shoulders and place the body on the pyre. They must ensure the head faced to the north. His descendant must perform the necessary rituals facing the eastern side. Now the soul leaves the body, the messengers of Lord Yama and attendants of Lord Krishna will arrive at the scene to lead the soul to begin its destination according to its karma. A soul have to travel entire distance to reach the world of Yama. The path becomes rougher and rougher for the sinners and it is comfortable for the virtuous.The Hindus are used to offer pindas' for the dead.They offer six pindas' in total which believes will help the soul to reach moksha and reach a certain level of purity.

The funeral pyre must be lit from the eastern side.  Once the body is completely burnt, the remains of body, the bones are collected and during this time the last piṇḍa is offered.  The ashes are then immersed in sea or river.  At the southern part of the house, a pit is made and for the next ten days, piṇḍa-s are offered here daily along with milk and water. The piṇḍa offered during the ten day period is divided into four parts.  Two parts build up a new body for the dead.  The third part goes to Yama’s servants and the fourth is consumed by the soul.  The subtle body gets a proper shape in three days and three nights and on the tenth day, the subtle body develops hunger.  Irrespective of other offerings made to the soul, it gets satisfied only by offering flesh (normally, a piece of banana is offered instead of flesh).  During eleventh day and twelfth day ceremonies, the preta eats as much as possible. On the thirteenth day, the soul’s journey begins to the world of Yama dragged by the servants of Yama.  During its journey to Yama's world, the soul regrets for every evil action it had done during the time in earth.

Depending upon one’s karma, the subtle body will feel all the sufferings and pains or happiness and pleasures.  One’s karmic act is embedded in his subtle body.  Apart from karmic embedment, subtle body also has the impressions of his subconscious mind.  Karma affects both the subtle body and the dead body independently.  Subtle body undergoes pains or pleasures in the hell or heaven and the dead body undergoes pains or pleasures in the earth.  For single evil action, there are two types of sufferings, one for the subtle body and another for the dead body.  When the dead body suffers, the subtle body within does not suffer. Based on these believes, it is said that thoughts are more powerful than actions.  Impressions of thoughts get embedded in the subconscious mind, which always goes along with the subtle body and has the capacity to manifest in subsequent births.

28 Punishments of Hell based on Garuda Purana

1. Tāmisra - My dear King, a person who appropriates another's legitimate wife, children or money is arrested at the time of death by the fierce Yamadūtas, who bind him with the rope of time and forcibly throw him into the hellish planet known as Tāmisra. On this very dark planet, the sinful man is chastised by the Yamadūtas, who beat and rebuke him. He is starved, and he is given no water to drink. Thus the wrathful assistants of Yamarāja cause him severe suffering, and sometimes he faints from their chastisement. (SB 5.26.8, Translation) Men and women whose lives were built upon indulgence in illicit sex life are put into many kinds of miserable conditions in the hells known as Tāmisra, Andha-tāmisra and Raurava. In the Vedic civilization sex life is allowed only in a restricted way; it is for the married couple and only for begetting children. But when sex life is indulged in for sense gratification illegally and illicitly, both the man and the woman await severe punishment in this world or after death.

2. Andhatāmisra - The destination of a person who slyly cheats another man and enjoys his wife and children is the hell known as Andhatāmisra. There his condition is exactly like that of a tree being chopped at its roots. Even before reaching Andhatāmisra, the sinful living being is subjected to various extreme miseries. These afflictions are so severe that he loses his intelligence and sight. It is for this reason that learned sages call this hell Andhatāmisra, blinding darkness. After suffering there, when he who has had many types of hellish bodies, like those of dogs and hogs, is to come again to the human form, he is given the chance to take his birth in the same type of body from which he degraded himself to hell. Atheists who destroy the world by exploiting the earth natural resources are also put into the Hell known as Andha-tāmisra. Atheist think that after death everything is finished, so they need not account their sinful life. (SB 5.26.9, Translation)

3. Raurava - In this life, an envious person commits violent acts against many living entities. Therefore after his death, when he is taken to hell by Yamarāja, those living entities who were hurt by him appear as animals called rurus to inflict very severe pain upon him. Learned scholars call this hell Raurava. Not generally seen in this world, the ruru is more envious than a snake. The person in the second class, however, not only thinks his material body to be his self, but also commits all kinds of sinful activities to maintain his body. He cheats everyone to acquire money for his family and his self, and he becomes envious of others without reason. Such a person is thrown into the hell known as Raurava. If one simply considers his body to be his self, as do the animals, he is not very sinful. However, if one needlessly commits sins to maintain his body, he is put into the hell known as Raurava. This is the opinion of Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura. Although animals are certainly in the bodily concept of life, they do not commit any sins to maintain their bodies, mates or offspring. Therefore animals do not go to hell. However, when a human being acts enviously and cheats others to maintain his body, he is put into a hellish condition. (SB 5.26.10-11, Purport)

4. Mahāraurava - This Mahāraurava, or hell, is described in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam as a place meant for persons who are engaged in killing animals, for it is stated there that butchers or animal eaters go to that hell. Punishment in the hell called Mahāraurava is compulsory for a person who maintains his own body by hurting others. In this hell, ruru animals known as kravyāda torment him and eat his flesh. The animalistic person who lives simply in the bodily concept of life is not excused. He is put into the hell known as Mahāraurava and attacked by ruru animals known as kravyādas. (SB 5.26.12, Translation and Purport)

5. Kumbhīpāka - Kumbhī means "pot," and pāka means "boiling." So if a person were put into a pot of oil and the pot were set to boiling, he would have some idea of the suffering in Kumbhīpāka hell. A person who cooks living birds and beasts to satisfy his tongue is brought before Yamarāja after death and punished in the Kumbhīpāka hell. Kumbhīpāka, a type of hellish condition, is described in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (5.26.13), wherein it is said that a person who cooks living birds and beasts to satisfy his tongue is brought before Yamarāja after death and punished in the Kumbhīpāka hell. There he is put into boiling oil called kumbhī-pāka, from which there is no deliverance. SB 5.26.13, Translation: For the maintenance of their bodies and the satisfaction of their tongues, cruel persons cook poor animals and birds alive. Such persons are condemned even by man-eaters. In their next lives they are carried by the Yamadūtas to the hell known as Kumbhīpāka, where they are cooked in boiling oil.

6. Kālasūtra - The killer of a brāhmaṇa is put into the hell known as Kālasūtra, which has a circumference of eighty thousand miles and which is made entirely of copper. Heated from below by fire and from above by the scorching sun, the copper surface of this planet is extremely hot. Thus the murderer of a brāhmaṇa suffers from being burned both internally and externally. Internally he is burning with hunger and thirst, and externally he is burning from the scorching heat of the sun and the fire beneath the copper surface. Therefore he sometimes lies down, sometimes sits, sometimes stands up and sometimes runs here and there. He must suffer in this way for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of an animal. (SB 5.26.14, Translation)

7. Asi-patravana - If a person deviates from the path of the Vedas in the absence of an emergency, the servants of Yamarāja put him into the hell called Asi-patravana, where they beat him with whips. When he runs hither and thither, fleeing from the extreme pain, on all sides he runs into palm trees with leaves like sharpened swords. Thus injured all over his body and fainting at every step, he cries out, "Oh, what shall I do now! How shall I be saved!" This is how one suffers who deviates from the accepted religious principles. If one concocts his own religious path within his mind, or if one follows no religious principles at all, he is also punished in the hell known as Asi-patravana. In other words, a human being must follow some religious principles. (SB 5.26.15, Translation, Purport)

8. Sūkaramukha - In his next life, a sinful king or governmental representative who punishes an innocent person, or who inflicts corporal punishment upon a brāhmaṇa, is taken by the Yamadūtas to the hell named Sūkaramukha, where the most powerful assistants of Yamarāja crush him exactly as one crushes sugarcane to squeeze out the juice. The sinful living entity cries very pitiably and faints, just like an innocent man undergoing punishments. This is the result of punishing a faultless person. (SB 5.26.16, Translation)

9. Andhakūpa - By the arrangement of the Supreme Lord, low-grade living beings like bugs and mosquitoes suck the blood of human beings and other animals. Such insignificant creatures are unaware that their bites are painful to the human being. However, first-class human beings—brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and vaiśyas—are developed in consciousness, and therefore they know how painful it is to be killed. A human being endowed with knowledge certainly commits sin if he kills or torments insignificant creatures, who have no discrimination. The Supreme Lord punishes such a man by putting him into the hell known as Andhakūpa, where he is attacked by all the birds and beasts, reptiles, mosquitoes, lice, worms, flies, and any other creatures he tormented during his life. They attack him from all sides, robbing him of the pleasure of sleep. Unable to rest, he constantly wanders about in the darkness. Thus in Andhakūpa his suffering is just like that of a creature in the lower species. (SB 5.26.17, Translation)

10. Kṛmibhojana - Any person who does not receive or feed a guest properly but who personally enjoys eating is put into the hell known as Kṛmibhojana. There an unlimited number of worms and insects continuously bite him. A person is considered no better than a crow if after receiving some food, he does not divide it among guests, old men and children, but simply eats it himself, or if he eats it without performing the five kinds of sacrifice. After death he is put into the most abominable hell, known as Kṛmibhojana. In that hell is a lake 100,000 yojanas [800,000 miles] wide and filled with worms. He becomes a worm in that lake and feeds on the other worms there, who also feed on him. Unless he atones for his actions before his death, such a sinful man remains in the hellish lake of Kṛmibhojana for as many years as there are yojanas in the width of the lake. (SB 5.26.18, Translation)

11. Sandaṁśa - My dear King, a person who in the absence of an emergency robs a brāhmaṇa—or, indeed, anyone else—of his gems and gold is put into a hell known as Sandaṁśa. There his skin is torn and separated by red-hot iron balls and tongs. In this way, his entire body is cut to pieces. (SB 5.26.19, Translation)

12. Taptasūrmi - A man or woman who indulges in sexual intercourse with an unworthy member of the opposite sex is punished after death by the assistants of Yamarāja in the hell known as Taptasūrmi. There such men and women are beaten with whips. The man is forced to embrace a red-hot iron form of a woman, and the woman is forced to embrace a similar form of a man. Such is the punishment for illicit sex. (SB 5.26.20, Translation)

13. Vajrakaṇṭaka-śālmalī - A person who indulges in sex indiscriminately—even with animals—is taken after death to the hell known as Vajrakaṇṭaka-śālmalī. In this hell there is a silk-cotton tree full of thorns as strong as thunderbolts. The agents of Yamarāja hang the sinful man on that tree and pull him down forcibly so that the thorns very severely tear his body. The sexual urge is so strong that sometimes a man indulges in sexual relations with a cow, or a woman indulges in sexual relations with a dog. Such men and women are put into the hell known as Vajrakaṇṭaka-śālmalī. The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement forbids illicit sex. From the description of these verses, we can understand what an extremely sinful act illicit sex is. Sometimes people disbelieve these descriptions of hell, but whether one believes or not, everything must be carried out by the laws of nature, which no one can avoid. (SB 5.26.21, Translation and Purport)

14. Vaitaraṇī - A person who is born into a responsible family—such as a kṣatriya, a member of royalty or a government servant—but who neglects to execute his prescribed duties according to religious principles, and who thus becomes degraded, falls down at the time of death into the river of hell known as Vaitaraṇī. This river, which is a moat surrounding hell, is full of ferocious aquatic animals. When a sinful man is thrown into the River Vaitaraṇī, the aquatic animals there immediately begin to eat him, but because of his extremely sinful life, he does not leave his body. He constantly remembers his sinful activities and suffers terribly in that river, which is full of stool, urine, pus, blood, hair, nails, bones, marrow, flesh and fat. (SB 5.26.22, Translation)

15. Pūyoda - One who lives like an animal is put into the hell called Pūyoda. The shameless husbands of lowborn śūdra women live exactly like animals, and therefore they have no good behavior, cleanliness or regulated life. After death, such persons are thrown into the hell called Pūyoda, where they are put into an ocean filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things. Śūdras who could not improve themselves fall into that ocean and are forced to eat those disgusting things. Thus there is always the chance that he may be put into the Pūyoda Naraka, the hell named Pūyoda, where one is forced to eat stool, urine, pus, mucus, saliva and other abominable things. It is significant that this verse is spoken especially about śūdras. If one is born a śūdra, he must continually return to the ocean of Pūyoda to eat horrible things. Thus even a born śūdra is expected to become a brāhmaṇa; that is the meaning of human life. Everyone should improve himself. (SB 5.26.23, Translation and Purport)

16. Prāṇarodha - A person who mercilessly kills animals in the forest without sanction is put into the hell called Prāṇarodha. If in this life a man of the higher classes [brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya and vaiśya] is very fond of taking his pet dogs, mules or asses into the forest to hunt and kill animals unnecessarily, he is placed after death into the hell known as Prāṇarodha. There the assistants of Yamarāja make him their targets and pierce him with arrows. (SB 5.26.24, Translation)

17. Viśasana - A person who kills animals in the name of religious sacrifice is put into the hell named Viśasana. A person who in this life is proud of his eminent position, and who heedlessly sacrifices animals simply for material prestige, is put into the hell called Viśasana after death. There the assistants of Yamarāja kill him after giving him unlimited pain. (SB 5.26.25, Translation)

18. Lālābhakṣa - If a foolish member of the twice-born classes [brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya and vaiśya] forces his wife to drink his semen out of a lusty desire to keep her under control, he is put after death into the hell known as Lālābhakṣa. There he is thrown into a flowing river of semen, which he is forced to drink. The practice of forcing one's wife to drink one's own semen is a black art practiced by extremely lusty persons. Those who practice this very abominable activity say that if a wife is forced to drink her husband's semen, she remains very faithful to him. Generally only low-class men engage in this black art, but if a man born in a higher class does so, after death he is put into the hell known as Lālābhakṣa. There he is immersed in the river known as Śukra-nadī and forced to drink semen. (SB 5.26.26, Translation and Purport)

19. Sārameyādana - One who sets a fire or administers poison to kill someone is put into the hell known as Sārameyādana. In this world, some persons are professional plunderers who set fire to others' houses or administer poison to them. Also, members of the royalty or government officials sometimes plunder mercantile men by forcing them to pay income tax and by other methods. After death such demons are put into the hell known as Sārameyādana. On that planet there are 720 dogs with teeth as strong as thunderbolts. Under the orders of the agents of Yamarāja, these dogs voraciously devour such sinful people. Also government members who will impose unnecessary heavy taxes, especially on the mercantile community are described as dasyu, thieves. Their main activity will be to plunder the wealth of the people. Whether a highway robber or a government thief, such a man will be punished in his next life by being thrown into the hell known as Sārameyādana, where he will suffer greatly from the bites of ferocious dogs. (SB 5.26.27, Translation and Purport)

20. Avīci - A man who earns his livelihood by bearing false witness is put into the hell known as Avīci. A person who in this life bears false witness or lies while transacting business or giving charity is severely punished after death by the agents of Yamarāja. Such a sinful man is taken to the top of a mountain eight hundred miles high and thrown headfirst into the hell known as Avīcimat. This hell has no shelter and is made of strong stone resembling the waves of water. There is no water there, however, and thus it is called Avīcimat (waterless). Although the sinful man is repeatedly thrown from the mountain and his body broken to tiny pieces, he still does not die but continuously suffers chastisement. (SB 5.26.28, Translation)

21. Ayaḥpāna - A person addicted to drinking wine is put into the hell named Ayaḥpāna. Any brāhmaṇa or brāhmaṇa's wife who drinks liquor is taken by the agents of Yamarāja to the hell known as Ayaḥpāna. This hell also awaits any kṣatriya, vaiśya, or person under a vow who in illusion drinks soma-rasa. In Ayaḥpāna the agents of Yamarāja stand on their chests and pour hot melted iron into their mouths. (SB 5.26.29, Translation)

22. Kṣārakardama - A lowborn and abominable person who in this life becomes falsely proud, thinking "I am great," and who thus fails to show proper respect to one more elevated than he by birth, austerity, education, behavior, caste or spiritual order, is like a dead man even in this lifetime, and after death he is thrown headfirst into the hell known as Kṣārakardama. There he must great suffer great tribulation at the hands of the agents of Yamarāja. One should not become falsely proud. One must be respectful toward a person more elevated than he by birth, education, behavior, caste or spiritual order. If one does not show respect to such highly elevated persons but indulges in false pride, he receives punishment in Kṣārakardama. (SB 5.26.30, Translation and Purport)

23. Rakṣogaṇa-bhojana - A person who sacrifices human beings to Bhairava is put into the hell called Rakṣogaṇa-bhojana. There are men and women in this world who sacrifice human beings to Bhairava or Bhadra Kālī and then eat their victims' flesh. Those who perform such sacrifices are taken after death to the abode of Yamarāja, where their victims, having taken the form of Rākṣasas, cut them to pieces with sharpened swords. Just as in this world the man-eaters drank their victims' blood, dancing and singing in jubilation, their victims now enjoy drinking the blood of the sacrificers and celebrating in the same way. (SB 5.26.31)

24. Śūlaprota - A person who kills pet animals is put into the hell called Śūlaprota. In this life some people give shelter to animals and birds that come to them for protection in the village or forest, and after making them believe that they will be protected, such people pierce them with lances or threads and play with them like toys, giving them great pain. After death such people are brought by the assistants of Yamarāja to the hell known as Śūlaprota, where their bodies are pierced with sharp, needlelike lances. They suffer from hunger and thirst, and sharp-beaked birds such as vultures and herons come at them from all sides to tear at their bodies. Tortured and suffering, they can then remember the sinful activities they committed in the past. (SB 5.26.32, Translation)

25. Dandaśūka - A person who gives trouble to others is put into the hell known as Dandaśūka. Those who in this life are like envious serpents, always angry and giving pain to other living entities, fall after death into the hell known as Dandaśūka. My dear King, in this hell there are serpents with five or seven hoods. These serpents eat such sinful persons just as snakes eat mice. (SB 5.26.33, Translation)

26. Avaṭa-nirodhana - One who imprisons a living entity within a cave is put into this hell. Those who in this life confine other living entities in dark wells, granaries or mountain caves are put after death into the hell known as Avaṭa-nirodhana. There they themselves are pushed into dark wells, where poisonous fumes and smoke suffocate them and they suffer very severely. (SB 5.26.34, Translation)

27. Paryāvartana - A person who shows unwarranted wrath toward a guest in his house is put into the hell called Paryāvartana. A householder who receives guests or visitors with cruel glances, as if to burn them to ashes, is put into the hell called Paryāvartana, where he is gazed at by hard-eyed vultures, herons, crows and similar birds, which suddenly swoop down and pluck out his eyes with great force. According to the Vedic etiquette, even an enemy who comes to a householder's home should be received in such a gentle way that he forgets that he has come to the home of an enemy. A guest who comes to one's home should be received very politely. If he is unwanted, the householder should not stare at him with blinking eyes, for one who does so will be put into the hell known as Paryāvartana after death, and there many ferocious birds like vultures, crows, and coknis will suddenly come upon him and pluck out his eyes. (SB 5.26.35, Translation and Purport)

28. Sūcīmukha - A person maddened by possessing riches and thus deeply absorbed in thinking of how to collect money is put into the hell known as Sūcīmukha. One who in this world or this life is very proud of his wealth always thinks, "I am so rich. Who can equal me?" His vision is twisted, and he is always afraid that someone will take his wealth. Indeed, he even suspects his superiors. His face and heart dry up at the thought of losing his wealth, and therefore he always looks like a wretched fiend. He is not in any way able to obtain actual happiness, and he does not know what it is to be free from anxiety. Because of the sinful things he does to earn money, augment his wealth and protect it, he is put into the hell called Sūcīmukha, where the officials of Yamarāja punish him by stitching thread through his entire body like weavers manufacturing cloth. (SB 5.26.36, Translation)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Medical Views on Hallucination

What is Hallucination?

Hallucinations are sensations that appear real but it is created by your mind. They can affect all five of your senses. For example, you might hear a voice call you that no one else in the room or you see an image that is not real.

Types of Hallucination:

Hallucinations affects your vision, sense of smell, hearing and sense of feel.
Optical Illusion causes hallucination
  • Visual Hallucination
Visual hallucinations happens when you start to see things that aren't there. This type of hallucination include objects, visual patterns, people and or strange light. For example, a situation where you might see a person who is not in the room or seeing flashing lights that others could not see.
  • Olfactory Hallucination
Olfactory hallucinations involves your sense of smell. You might smell an unpleasant odor when you are walking alone somewhere or you feel that your body smells bad when it does not. This type of hallucination includes the scents that you find enjoyable like the smell of flowers.
  • Auditory Hallucination
Auditory hallucinations relates to your hearing sense where you might hear someone speaking to you or telling you to do something. This voice that you hear might be angry, threatening, neutral or even warm. Other examples found is when you hear footsteps of someone walking around but no one is there.
  • Tactile Hallucination
Tactile hallucinations relates to the feeling of touch or movement on your body. For example, you might feel insects that you scare the most are crawling on your skin or on your shoulder. You might also felt that your internal organs are moving around in your body. In some situation, you might also feel the imagined touch of someone's hands on your body.
  • Gustatory Hallucination
Gustatory hallucinations involves your sense of taste. For example, when you are drinking plain water, you felt the water tastes sour. But, the water that you drink is often tasteless. 
  • Hypnagogic Hallucination
Hypnagogic hallucinations often related to your vivid dreamlike hallucination at the onset of sleep. These hallucination happens when you have a very vivid, intense dreams and nightmares while sleeping. Some dreams appear very lifelike that it is quite hard to tell if it is real or fake.
  • Hypnopompic Hallucination
Hypnopompic hallucinations involves vivid dreamlike hallucination on awakening. These hallucination can be quite vivid and sometimes its frightening such as the sense of threatening stranger or creature in the room. Upon waking, it will take few minutes to wake up from the fear.
  • Kinesthetic Hallucination
Kinesthetic hallucinations often relates to the sense of touch or physical experience. People may feel insects crawling over them or experience sudden pain. The sensation of crawling commonly associated with alcohol-related psychotic states.
  • Lilliputian Hallucination
Lilliputian hallucinations are a form of hallucination where you tend see small figures of animals or people whom often depicted as happily dancing creatures.

Here’s an excerpt from one of the case studies of an alcohol dependent man (who was drinking about 50 units a day!) who suddenly cut-down on his drinking and started experiencing striking withdrawal effects as a result:
Following this, his sleep had markedly reduced and he started seeing little people all over the house. They were about a foot high, with funny colorful dresses, weird faces, big eyes and mouths. Some of them were also wearing spectacles. They would follow him all around the house and he could hear their footsteps. Patient would also see them drinking his blood (did not elaborate further) and complained of physical weakness as a result. Initially, patient attributed his experiences to some evil spirits present in the house and changed the house. But the experience continued.
Perhaps one of the most surprising causes of these hallucinations is muscular degeneration, sometimes diagnosed as Charles Bonnet syndrome, owing to the fact that simple damage to the retina can lead to complex hallucinations.
  • Somatic Hallucination
Somatic hallucinations involves the perception of a physical experience occurring with the body. Feeling being touched, strangled or even feelings of sexual stimulation.
  • Temporary Hallucination
Temporary hallucinations are not chronic. They may occur to those whom deeply in pain inside. For example: Assuming that you just lost your beloved one, you might hear the person's voice in your head and eventually it will disappear as the pain of your loss diminishes.

What causes Hallucination?

Mental illnesses are among the most common causes of hallucinations. Schizophrenia, dementia, and delirium are a few examples.
Substance abuse is another fairly common cause. Some people see or hear things that aren’t there after drinking too much alcohol or taking drugs like cocaine or PCP.
Lack of sleep can lead to hallucinations. If you have not slept in days or do not get enough sleep over long periods of time, you may be more prone to hallucinations.
Medications taken for certain mental and physical conditions can also cause hallucinations. Parkinson’s disease, depression, psychosis, and epilepsy medications may trigger hallucination symptoms.
Other conditions which could cause hallucinations include:
  • terminal illnesses, such as AIDS, brain cancer, or kidney and liver failure
  • high fevers, especially in children and the elderly
  • migraines
  • brain tumor
  • delirium
  • dementia
  • severe fatigue
  • severe infections
  • stroke
  • acute delirium
  • social isolation, particularly in older adults
  • seizures
  • deafness, blindness, or vision problems
  • epilepsy (in some cases, epileptic seizures can cause you to see flashing shapes or bright spots)

Does caffeine cause Hallucinations?

People who take caffeine equivalent of three cups of brewed coffee (or seven cups of instant coffee) more likely have tendency to hallucinate. Researchers found that people who take high amount of caffeine by drinking coffee, tea, chocolate or caffeinated energy drinks or pills; have three-times higher tendency to hear unknown voices and see things which are unreal. Though most people who drinks loads of coffee are not known to be hallucinating but they face problem in daily functioning; they are considered to be psychotic. Seven cups of instant coffee contains a total of 315 milligrams of caffeine. This amount can be replaced with six cups of strong tea, nine colas, four Red Bulls and about one and a half cups of coffee at boutique cafe.

Caffeine has wide range of effects in human body. Caffeine acts as central nervous system stimulant that temporarily wards off drowsiness and restores alertness. It is the world's most widely used drugs. Caffeine is absorbed by the stomach and the small intestine within 45 minutes of indigestion. It can be intoxicating, causes nervousness, irritability, anxiety, muscle twitching, insomnia, head aches and heart palpitations as shown in a research. Besides that, caffeine is also found to exacerbate the effects of stress. When an individual is under stress, the body releases a stress hormone called cortisol. It is a fact that more of this hormone is released in response to stress when people have recently took caffeine. This extra boost of cortisol may also link to the high intake of caffeine and increased tendency to hallucinate.

How are Hallucinations treated?

  • General measures are; stress management, healthy living-style, regular exercise, reducing intake of caffeine and getting enough sleep.
  • Prevent the use of illicit drugs such as cocaine, LSD, amphetamines and ecstacy. Reduce the consumption of alcohol.
  • Attempt psycho social strategies to help to manage hallucination; counselling session is organized to help the patient and their family to cope with the hallucination. 
  • Use anti psychotic medications to treat hallucinations include haloperidol, olanzapine and risperidone.
  • If the hallucinations are caused by Parkinson's disease in a patient, the medication should be different than what is stated top.

Ways to cope with Hallucination:

Fighting back – This strategy of coping up involves talking back or yelling to hallucinations. Fighting back the voice is not a good idea because it may result to depression because the voice would not go away by itself.
Passive acceptance – Accepting hallucination has positive emotional effects, but in the long run passive acceptance can consume your entire life.
Mindfulness techniques - Acknowledging the voices can be agreeable, but accepting guidance from the voices should be spared of.
Distraction –  You can focus on tasks, watch television or recite numbers. Using distractions is more effective than the white noise.
Ask for help – People experiencing frequent hallucinations should ask help from family, friends and even support group. Going out with friends can divert the attention and make the mind busy.
Meditative activities – Exercising and engaging in other meditative activities like yoga can help prevent hallucinations. It is because this activity can calm your mind and body.
